Thursday, October 11, 2007

Reaction To my Sermon

The Reverend Dr. Carroll C. Meyer, Pastor of Westminster Presbyterian Church, in Wooster, Ohio, reacted to my Sermon the following month. His sermon, titled God's Multiple Appearances, is found above.


Sermon Resulting from Kenya Trip

My March 2007 trip to Kenya, combined with my two prior trips to India, generated much thought about religions throughout the world. When asked to preach at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Wooster, Ohio, in July 2007, my topic came right to me: The Three C's: Commerce, Christianity & Civilization. The sermon text is attached.


Friday, April 27, 2007

In March, 2007, I went as part of a group of 12 to Kenya to work on water improvement projects sponsored by the Rotary Club of Wooster, Ohio. We traveled to the villages of Vigetse and Vigina in the Maragoli region of the Western Province of Kenya. The nearest city is Kisumu, which is on the eastern shore of Lake Victoria. Shown here is the site where we worked with village residents to improve a natural spring, so that it would be protected from animals and function properly for the delivery of clean water.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Wooster Nagar, Tamil Nadu, India

On January 3, 2007, I attended the dedication of Wooster Nagar, a small village built along the coast of the Indian Ocean in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. I am shown at left at the ribbon cutting, along with Bala Venkataraman, CEO of Magni Power Co. in Wooster, and David Hooper, U. S. Counsel General.

An hour south of Chennai, the village was built with funds donated by the citizens of Wooster, Ohio, and the village residents named their town "Wooster Nagar", which means Wooster Township or Little Wooster, in honor of these donations. I accompanied Bala Venkataraman, and his daughter, Bina, both of whom were instrumental in the fund raising and coordination of the building project. The work was coordinated in India by Nanditha and Chinny Krishna, who run the C.P. Ramiswami Aiyar Foundation in Chennai.

This plaque marks the entrance to Wooster Nagar and recognizes the work of the residents of Wooster, Ohio, in the building of the village. The plaque is in English on the left and Tamil on the right.

Those interested in learning more about, or supporting, the efforts of the people of Wooster, Ohio, in this tsunami relief project should go to:

Friday, January 19, 2007

The start of this Blog

Why a Blog? A computer novice, I have rarely looked at the blogs of others. It seems a bit presumptuous to think that I have something to say which might be of interest to others. But that has never stopped me before. The opportunity to express opinions and make observations sent through cyberspace just somehow seems worth doing. So here it is, for whatever it's worth.

Plato said: "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something." You decide here.............
